Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. How to use Thinkific

    3. Legal and Boring Stuff

    1. Registration with the CPSC (w/19min video)

    2. Registration with the CPSC (overview)

    3. Registration with the CPSC - Letterhead Request

    4. I have a number...Now what?

    1. How much testing do I need?

    2. OK, ok, but what EXACTLY needs tested?

    3. What is a "style"?

    4. Educated Assumptions

    5. Considerations for Pacifier Leashes that pass consistently

    6. Considerations for Teethers that pass consistently

    7. First Party (self) Testing Document

    1. Supplier Statements, Lab Reports, and First Party Testing Reports

    2. Children's Product Certificate

    3. Customer-Facing Formal Letter of Compliance

    4. Written Testing Plan Template

    1. What needs to be on the label? What about disclaimers?

    2. Batch Code

    1. I need a little more help!

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content